Can anyone tell me what I should do now? I took Paragone for 10 days and got sick i.e the runs, and I started turning noticeably yellow, per family and friends. The box says to stop if you get diahreah, so I did. I really wanted to do the Paragone's 35 day cycle but I couldn't finish it. Plus, on day 10 I think they all scrambled up to my head to get away from the herbs. I thought I felt them up there. I got real scared and stopped cold. I am still on a mission to get them out, however.
I went to my doctor and gave a stool sample. Don't know the results yet, but I know I put critters in there. My doctor said getting rid of
parasites was easy. He said
Tapeworms are the hardest to get rid of.
Anyway, I think I'll wait and see what my doctor gives me (need to wait a couple of days). Then, after I'm done with his medicine I'll try Paragone again. Hopefully next time I won't have so many of them and the die off won't make me as sick.
Sound like a plan? Anyone else have to stop paracleansing because of adverse effects?