You make some very good points.
When you mention the similarity between certain foods and different parasites...
I think most of us go back and forth between denial and determination to get rid of these gross things, and often mistake one for the other.
Another thing, there is a principle of "like cures like" or some such saying...
So the very thing which looks like the
parasite may be the agent to fight it with.
Funny thing happen to me when I first started liver-cleansing....
I, too, kept seeing these "pink and red clear sacks of liquid", and since I was using lemon and or grapefruit juce with the OO, I thought nothing of it. But, THEN I strained the grapefruit juce prior to doing the Liver Cleanse, and still, along with many,many stones I saw a large number of the pink/red sacks. Out came the super-magnifying glass, and to my utter disqust, I saw, up close, flukes in different stages of developement(they don't all look alike).
Needless to say, I freaked, then bordered on denial, but that didn't last.
(Began a series of serious para-cleanses.All better now).
But, the whole thing is a bit tricky, and only because we sense that we're not well we keep looking for answers.
If someone would heve told me a couple years ago, that I would end up breaking out a magnafying glass to look at particles of BM, I would have told them they're out of their mind.