Hi Lydia! ! I said a prayer for you and will keep on pray'n -- and I'l add Brandon too before God's Throne- as well as you.
I believe firmly in the power of prayer, especially if you dont doubt God. He is always listening and permits us to go through conditions, to do an inner spirtual work in us along with restoring us physically.
I never used to believe God would bother listening to the ordinary person- unless you were the President, etc.. then I was in the shock of my life after He showed me He hears EVERYTHING!- I had 3-4 really clear experiences I can e-mail you about some day , that shook me up and showed me He is very much alive and is involved in every single person's life. None of us are accidents - I found out that every person - including homeless people- everyone was created and intended to be born- but its up to that person to do their part and use their talents or skills to honor God in thier lives.
Some people will die wasting thier lives away -not realizing that they will be held responsible for what they did for God when on this Earth. No matter who the person is. There are retarded people who are doing more for God than someoone born into a very wealthy family who spends their whole life shopping and going to parties.
This is what Im going through since this past Thanksgiving. If i hadnt discovered I had fluke worms, etc, I would be miserable- and not as close to my God. He doesnt want us to be sick- but he makes good out of bad, and uses our "enemies" as our Footstools to climb closer to Him,-- then he topples over the enemy after it achieves its divine purpose in our life.
I am a Christian, but this goes for eveyrone in all faiths- as God uses all the different religions for all in this World. God loves all humans and He never was the One who created denominations, etc.. Man is who did that. We humans always have to take it upon ourselves to make organizations out of everything- including creating this thing called "religion" out of God.
parasites are a result of Adam and Eve's rejection of God's will for them in the Garden of Eden. All nature was affected from their decision- and disease began. With disease, comes
parasites as
parasites actually eat away the excess decay that a sick body creates. Without the parasites in the diseased body, the person would die in their own wastes.
Satan never told Eve that part of the story-- but he knew it all the while. He just told Eve what she wanted to hear, as most politicians do.
In effect, the parasites are actually the "enemy" that God is using for our good to keep us from dying in our own decay from disease.
Dealing with healing the body will make these parasites unncessary, and they will be easy then to kill off with herbal anti-
parasite things your nutritionist will make you take.
Getting out your silver amalgram fillings two at a time spread out one dental visit a month- (or else taken out all at once by a holistic dentist with the correct protocols) are a major step in correcting the body so that the worms dont feel comfy there anymore.
Parasites do tend to infect those of us with metal fillings -- as the mercury that seeps out of our fillings creates a "safe haven" for all bad bacteria and viruses-- as well as parasites. Mercury kills good bacteria, which would normally keep these parasites from hatching, etc.
Probiotics are good to keep taking until all the mercury is leached out of the body after the fillings are removed. I'd also take some Kefir and really natural yogurt- they are cheaper than probiotics and Kefir is loaded with tons of different natural probiotics-- and costs about $3.99 a 16
oz bottle.!
I passed that clear long worm with Oregano Oil capsule-- then drinking a glass of Kefir milk. I heard all this gurgeling in my stomach later on, then about 30 minutes later an urge to go to the bathroom. All I passed was that worm! It was translucent clear gelly looking and long-- and attached to an egg.
What's more- I felt good in my gut!
I still have 4 more metal fillings to remove out- I cant afford to go to a holistic dentist- so im going to a regular one, but taking the correct detox and supplement steps before and after each dental visit. The dentist Im seeing doesnt believe mercury in fillings will hurt you- as he is a product of the ADA Association.
However, he hates mercury and will never use it in anything-- doesnt even order any for his office either. He hates it because it makes your teeth crumble when your older-- and then people need crowns, and bridges and things- because of the fractures and crumbled teeth from old mercury fillings.
Hang in there, Lydia! I do feel good that your going to someone who can moniter your situation. I know that the dewormers you were taking before did put a dent into the worms-- now you can address all the other issues with the body- includign that foot and mouth disease, etc., and continue to take the dewormer herbs he suggests.
God bless ya, pal!
hugs, boldy