Thanks so much for your detailed post.
I am not sure what type of mycoplasma I have. The ND either wouldn't tell me or didn't know.
It appeared as a donut type shape. I did not see any IN my red blood cells, all the ones I saw were out of the cells.. in fact I don't remember seeing more than one.
I agree with you on the live blood analysis that it can be done incorrectly.... thank goodness I have some biology experience. One slide was open to the air the other was from an unopened sealed package.... Not sure which was used for which test.
He wanted to repeat the live blood in 1 month but I live so far, that I go every 2 for the allergy desensiting and we made it then.
He recommended me getting aerobic Oxygen and Ultra MFP. It took some doing to figure out that is what he was prescribing, he is also a pharmasist and sells his own, so it costs more.
The Ultra MFP has, Artemisia, Burdock, Echinecea, Grapfruit Seed, L. acidopholis, L.bifidus, Ligusticum, Olive Leaves.. all in Garlic Onion, chives and scallions. Not sure if either is worth taking for the mycoplasma or not. I found both much cheaper than he was offering though, so if they do work assuming I have mycoplasma, I will buy them from the online sources I found. Otherwise I may go with one of the mixes you posted.