just wondering what your ibs is? it would seem from all that i have rread, that ibs can be justt about anything that a doctor would call ' i have no idea what's wrong witht your stomach ' i was finally told i had chronic fatigue after all the other avenues were exhausted. a syndrome is just a word meaning that many people have the same symptoms. my sister in law has ibs and because of that i keep seeing it pop up in my readings about parasites.....does that mean that ibs and
parasites are one in the same? no, but i have read in some cases that after treating for parasites, ibs has gone away in some. you should read as many posts on this forum as possible to decide if it is your ibs flaring up or if you might be experiencing a reaction from
parasites to paragone. do you know if you have parasites? just some thoughts from a sleepy
parasite infested person. bwellicky