Hi evangelos,
I'm also a 28 year old male with food and environmental sensitivities. I had MCS (multiple chemical sensitivites) for several years and just thought I had an overly sensitive sense of smell! It wasn't until last year that it got really bad and I started getting dizzy when exposed to perfumes, cleaning products, car exhaust, etc. My MCS is about 80% improved, and I'm about back to where I was a year ago. Hopefully it will continue to improve with more flushes.
My food sensitivites have gotten better, but are still pretty bad. In fact, since my last
Liver Flush a week ago, they've gotten much worse! I also have very bad digestion, gas, and constipation. I've taken
parasite herbs and probiotics, but they only seem to help temporarily.
I wish I could answer your question ("Is there an end in sight?"), but I don't know myself... I've done probably about 7 flushes, but after getting worse after the last one, I've become discouraged. I've been wondering if it's the
Liver Flushes or something else I'm doing that had been helping. However, I didn't start to get better until I started doing the flushes, so...
My life has been a nightmare this past year, and I'm worried I'm getting worse again. What has your experience been? What other treatments have you tried other than the liver flush? How much % improved are you after doing the 11 flushes? What other symptoms do you have? Some of mine (other than those mentioned above): low-body temerature, flu-like symptoms, sore throats, very underweight, swollen lymph nodes,
Body Odor , chronic fatigue, insomnia, joint pain, etc. How about you?