If you want to be sure about the "seeds and nuts" you could try not eating them for a week or so and see if they still appear. I agree with icky, they sound like eggs and liver flukes. I also had them, and I love eating seeds and nuts. If you stop eating seeds and nuts and they still appear 4 or 5 days later... well, good thing you're doing cleanses!
As for the liver cleanse: I looked at all the
Liver Cleanses on this site and chose Andreas' cleanse, for it's simplicity. The book is worth it.
Preparation: Andreas suggested drinking a liter (4 glasses) of apple juice a day for 6 days to soften the stones. He also suggested reducing the amount of protein/fat-containing foods during that 6-day preparation period, and I found that although it was hard to do (I don't think I'll ever be a vegetarian), it was worth it; the bile builds up in the liver and there's more bile to push the stones out when you do the flush. He said don't eat or drink anything after 2 pm (with the
Epsom Salt drinks beginning at 6 pm) and I highly recommend that if you want to avoid nausea. I did not feel ill or nauseous at all. You could add a slice (or two) of ginger root to your drinking water the day of the flush to prevent nausea, or add lots of ginger to your food the day before. In addition to Andreas' recommendations, I used a castor oil compress on my lower abdomen for 3 weeks before, 20 minutes on the right side in the morning and 20 minutes on the left side at night. I think this was of great help in preparing the immune system to deal with toxin elimination during and after the flush. Even if you're going to do the flush tomorrow, it could help to use the compress even for one day. During the flush, in the initial 20 minutes after the olive oil / citrus mixture, I also used a cod liver compress over the liver area.
As for drinking the
Epsom Salts : It was not so difficult if I took a deep breath and then expelled all of it, then drank the
Epsom Salts off immediately. Do not smell it! He suggested substituting half lemon and half orange juice (freshly squeezed) if you don't like pink grapefruit, and I recommend that. The olive oil was ok mixed with the lemon and orange mixture. I thought the
Epsom Salt drink was worse.
Some people recommend a
coffee enema during the morning after the flush. I didn't try that, the
Epsom Salts were keeping me busy enough. You might consider it. The
coffee enema is useful to help push stones out as it encourages the production of bile in the liver.
The next day, during the recovery phase, I recommend that you take it easy returning to solid food. Juice in the morning, whole fruit in the afternoon, and vegetable soup or meat broth soup in the evening is good. The next day is ok for meat.
You might continue to pass stones for several days after the flush.
There are "stone crushing" herbs you could try taking for a month before your next liver flush, which will help to reduce larger stones and get them out of you. I think one of them is called Gold Coin Grass. If you search further on this site, you'll find them.
Good luck!