I am new to this website. So here goes I started myself on Paragone about a week ago after looking up info on the computer about my 4 year old grinding his teeth and having nightmares and my constant muscle pain. I had no idea this might be related to parasites.
I started get the creepy crawlies on my skin all over and bad muscles twitches. It feels like things trying to bury into my skin or come out and its constant -worse than the muscle twitches. So again I find info. on bed bugs because I think maybe its that. I find this page on this woman that takes all the herbs that alot of you post and she takes baths in 1-2 cups of Borax. So I hop in the tub loaded with
Sea Salt , baking soda, and Borax. I take a soak and think I see little almost microscopic things coming out of my skin. But I drain the tub and see nothing. An hour or two later I come back and this has happened three times now-I see these little brown worm looking things that kinda look like bugs too crawling alive in my tub. It freaked my out.
Now mind you I'm a freak about germs I wash all my family clothes in hot water with borax, bleach and more recently something my husband got called MICROBAN that it suppose to kill even AIDS. He gets it because of the business he in. I've looked at every picture possible to try and find out what these might be but it doesn't seem to match anything.
Does anyone know what in the world these things. I got myself and my seven year old who also sleeps with me scared half to death so none of us can sleep.
Help Please!