Hi Carrie, Like you I’m 5foot 4 and 8stone (and female!) I think I am too thin and B0Y am I fed up with THE CANDIDA DIET!! Your message hits on the dilemma – is a reaction a
food sensitivity or are you having die-off? I am not a pro on this (ask Shelleycat for her knowledgeable opinion) but I would say a reaction like this is a
food sensitivity . What other ingredients does the cereal bar have? Try raw green hulled organic pumpkin seeds on their own. For best effect grind up a large quantity in a coffee grinder and keep in a jar in the fridge. Take a couple of heaped tablespoons a day with juice (or however you like). With me, die-off is more like flu-like symptoms, dizzy, spaced out, headachey, pains in joints.
food intolerance is more specific. I have been dairy/sugar/grain sensitive for some time now (and citrus and some other things). If I eat the wrong food I get sores around my nose. I used to get sores on my lips if I ever ate crisps. I think the mouth/nose area must be very sensitive to food reaction. It would be a pity if you were intolerant to pumpkin seeds as they seem to be a very cheap and useful way of controlling
parasites but you will only know if you try them on their own. However there are lots of other
parasite programmes you can try.
I like
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract alot and always return to it when I have brain fog, or too many cravings. It is Very Useful stuff. I also take MSM daily.
I have now done a lab test and have entamoeba coli trophozoites (not thought to be pathogenic but who knows?). I hope to prove that my
food intolerances /candida are a result of parasites. All the best