hey everyone, i'm not a spokes person for paragone, but i've been doing it for over a yr now off an on and here is what i can tell you:
brown mushy poos - yes, paragone does act like a laxitive somewhat, altho normally i don't get that. if you do then consider yourself lucky, cause then you can actually check what is coming out in the stool as it breaks up easily.
the frequency of it - the more times it comes out the better, the goal is for it to come out as soon as possible rather then sitting in there causing you to get sick.
white things wrapped around poo - i think these are dead
Tapeworms or other worm like parasites. had them too on more then once occasion. did you have rice like eggs with it? i did a couple times.
parasites for sure.
cotton balls and spiders with legs - had those, i think they might be the reason for candida, don't know for sure, but better out then in. i had lots of these and quite scary, other people here had them too, so hang in there. again, better out then in!
side effects - 13 yr old daughter did full strength paragone and she's the same size as me, actually a bit bigger, at 120lb - only side effects were flu like and she slept for 24 hrs. on the first couple doses.
then she continued the treatment with no side effects whatsoever. myself at a 105lb, i get sometimes a bit of stomach cramps when i have to pass, but this is not bad at all, and i sometimes get flu like, but not much. i honestly have not experienced that many side effects that i can remember, and i've done 5 treatments?
i suggest that if you have bad die off you do an enema and help the process of elimination. you may be toxic and the die of is not gonna help that feeling...also, maybe you are sensitive to the dose, in that case CUT DOWN THE DOSE till you feel comfortable with it. there is always the childrens'version of paragone, maybe you can try that if you are sensitive.
also, do
Liver Flushes to get rid of
parasites in the liver and the toxins that accumulate from die offs, enemas to help get stuff out quick, and drink plenty of water with lemon.
saunas and skin brushing also helps with the detox!
i am feeling better and better since i started cleansing, it's a long process so hang in there.
love and light everyone, if i remember anything else i'll post!