dear hopinso, what about magnetic therapy. i know it is good for pain and i think i've heard it can kill parasites. friends of ours visited us and he had purchased a machine made in europe by a doctor. there are ways to put it on any part of your body and then you just sit. while they were here i burnt my finger pretty bad-the kind where you have to put it in ice water for hours. we said, lets try the therapy. he put it on my finger and as i sat there the pain went a way within minutes. when i can afford one i will definetly buy one. i have heard numerous people say magnets help pain. one friend has a pearl necklace that is really magnets and then some in her shoes...wouldn't go anywhere without them.
the other thing, i think all of this can creep us out so bad it's easy to obsess and worry. i think we have to just take it easy and try to relax about
parasites possibly being in there. to me, and any one can disagree, i think just eat very healthy, stay away from foods that feed them, and take the killer herbs and/or do the zapping, pulsing, what ever (i'm very new to it all) and go on with life trying not to obsess. keep us posted ok.