I did a
Liver Flush 3 days ago... and an enema yesterday....
well today I say somthing really intesting in my stool.... it was like these little thin white fettichini (cant spell that one!) yikes.. I stuck a chopstick in to investigate further..and i could pullthem...but they didnt break very easily...!!! I think I am finally getting rid of the tapeworm(s)!....
and they really gross and bad!....
i havent been on a
parasite clease in forever..although i was taking olive leaf for a flu I had..... but I am almost sure it was Dr. Shulzes colon cleanse, the
Liver Flush and enema(with an acidopholous implant)..that finally got them.....
Sould I do another enema today?? is that too much!!??
Im so excited!!! I did 6 monthd of
parasite cleanses without seeing anything!...but now .... well... it is great to actually see those buggers coming out!