Last Saturday I did a full moon flush with high expectations and a lot of preparation. It wasn't a bad flush, but it wasn't enough. All week long I felt pain in the right side; at first I was constipated, then had white stools. I was pretty sure I had a stuck stone and needed another flush ASAP. I spoke to my Chiropractor/Naturopath before doing this flush. He confirmed my suspiscion about a stone caught in a duct. He told me to try an "overnighter" flush, and if that didn't work I would need to do his week long flush. The flush protocol he uses involves drinking 1/3 cup olive oil and apple juice twice a day for a week. During that week nothing can be eaten except raw apples, apple juice, spring water, and a cup of veggie broth at night. Its a very hard flush, but also very effective. The only good thing I can say about it is that it does not require drinking
Epsom Salts .
I did my usual flush last night not expecting a whole lot, but hoping to dislodge the stone that was causing trouble. I wound up getting a real surprise. From 6:30 am-3:30 pm, I have passed hundreds of stones pea sized and smaller. If you count the "seed bead" size stones, the number would be over a 1000. There was also a lot of chaff, castings, and foam. It was a much better flush than last week. At least one stone had a
parasite in it, I only checked a few.
I generally feel much better now, but still have some pain. The pain is more like twinges. They start under my right breast and go around back and up my right shoulder. I'm a little worried about what this means. However, I estimate I got out a least a cup of stuff from the liver, to me that means a very successful flush. I was saving the stones and chaff, to take a picture, but it smelled so bad, I flushed it. There wasn't anything special about it, except the huge amount that came out on my 22nd liver flush.