i use
Oxypowder every other day or so- it works great, i have used it well enough that i know the different dosages and how they all effect me differently.
on a free day, i will eat nothing all day until late evening as i usually do- but for breakfast, i will take 6 op tabs and some lemon water to increase HCL.
then wait for the mudslide to begin..this dosage CLEANS me out completly!
2 tabs with plain water every 2 hours until 6 is consumed is a little more gentler and it's timed released for about 8-10 hours after consumption. 4 in the morning with lemon water does a quick flush and gives me a quick BM to clear me out if i feel backed up.i think the best cleanse to do would be OP for a week,accompanied with pro-biotics with some veggies and lean meats.
as for muscle building,my method is to attack the muscles intensly and briefly -semi-frequently while eating a high fat/protein diet.i also change up the approach and routine frequnetly,same excersizes..just different variations.
hope this helps