Hi. I am wondering what do people think is superior for a colon cleanse, Colonix or
Oxypowder (or something else completely)? I live in London, UK and getting Colonix is difficult (I need to buy from the US and that is very expensive), whereas
Oxypowder is well distributed here and much cheaper. However, at the end of the day money is not that important if Colonix is better than
Oxypowder . I want to do a cleanse as I have
Psoriasis and dry, sandpaper like skin. I also have some excess weight (not much) but most importantly I have very irregular bowel movements and mostly just liquidy stools. I would also like to use an anti-
parasite product. The Colonix incorporates this into their main package but I would have to buy a product to supplement the Oxypowder. I would really appreciate any recommendations or advice (for some reason here in the UK people are so clueless about all these products that are coming out of the USA and it feels like we are lightyears behind you guys!)
Thank you in advance!