Just like Hanna, I am a big
Oxypowder fan. My intestinal problems had escalated so much, that I could not live without
Oxypowder , once I found it. I had also started experiencing neurological and nervous system problems and was slowly going crazy. I finally went to the doctor and they put me through test after test, suspecting I had MS, only to tell me how incredibly healthy I was.
Well, turned out that I am gluten intolerant!!!!
All my life I had problems, but not the classic celiac disease problem like diarrhea. My biggest problems were constipation, awful gas and bloating, coupled with joint/bone/muscle pain and other non-intestinal symptoms.
Pizza????? Boy, that was bad news for my colon! I always thought it was spices, onions, peppers, etc. that I could not handle. Little did I know it was gluten!!!! Oh my, I ate that left and right! I always thought it was funny that sometimes I could handle onions and sometimes they would tear me up.
Now I am gluten free and feel better every day. If I slip and eat something with gluten I immediately pay the price. That's when I grab my
Oxypowder and get everything OUT!!! Luckily I only had to do it once so far.
Maybe you should look into gluten intolerance (aka celiac disease). If pizza does that to you, it might be from all that dough. I've also read that many people don't develop problems until later in life.