Hi Everyone. I have been reading this forum for about a month, since my natural path recommended Colonix to me, and I thought I would post my results of the Colonix program. Background: Done about 7 three-day fasts and one 10 day juice fast in the past 7 years, some with
colonics and some with P&B. I am very healthy with a strong immune system and lots of energy and have regular BM every day. I do suffer from eczema (not too bad, though) lower back pain which for the past three months has turned into sciatica (shooting pain down my leg from nerves in my back being pinched), and anger and irritiability issues. My accupuntist tells me my liver is congested. Since being on this site and others, that does make sense since all three of those symptoms point to that. Anyway, wanted to do a liver cleanse but got Andreas Mortiz book and he and others recommend a colon and
parasite cleanse first, so choose Colonix.
Results: After day 5 my sciatica is 90% gone, (I ski every weekend and am very hard on my body, and it is still gone after 25 days!) I have been having 3-5 BM daily. Seeing lots of Mucoid Plaque after the first week(if you don't think you are passing MP, use something to try to pick it up with...if it holds together and unwinds like a rope....you've got it--believe me, that is different from the fluffy stuff that breaks apart, but you may have to get in there to make sure---that is, if you are interested....eeek!) My skin has completely cleared up (although, that was almost gone with the work with the accupuncuturist--I highly recommend accupuncture if you have ecezma--and liver cleanse--its a liver issue)
Anyway, I feel great since using Colonix! I have even more energy and wake up early much easier and more rested. My moods and anger has improved, although I think that the liver cleanse will really improve that area. I did have about 5 days, three concecutive, so far, where I really felt kindy of funky. Naseous, headache, tired. I think that was either die-off from the
parasite or just detox. There is a lot of detox herbs in there, I believe.
I have seen a lot of colors in my BM, red things that look like tomatoe peels (I have read that those are liver flukes, but I do eat tomatoes often, so I am not sure) stuff that looks like small pieces of lettuce, (I eatlettuce every day, too) small black specks, and little chunks of clay colored chalky things (which may be gallbladder stones, maybe???) I see old food that I have not eaten in a while (sunflower seeds) and some food from a previous meal. (Tells me the importance of chewing)
Anyway, my experience has been very postive and I am going to continue into month 2, but not three months. I have told a lot of my friends who suffer from back pain. I mean, with all the stuff leaving my body for weeks on end, I am sure there is so much more room in there and my colon is not pressing on my vertebre. (seems like the reason to me, but I don't know)
Anyway, that is my .02. Good luck to everyone who is doing it or thinking of trying it. I loved it!