Hi all,
For the last few days I've been really itchy! It started around 17/18th feb with my right ear starting to itch - not inside the ear but the top edge of the ear and lobe and also my neck and breasts! Intensely itchy! It calmed down a little (though it was still there) by 19/02. Then early this morning I woke up at 5am - couldn't get back to sleep. Ear started itching again, then the other ear, then the neck, then the jaw etc. BAsically the itch is spreading. The thing is there is no visible symptoms, no dry flaky skin like with my eczema...nothing!
I haven't eaten anything unusual. The only thing I can think of is the
Oxypowder ! I took 6 pills very late on 16/02, it could even have been very early morning of 02/17. I had just received my
Oxypowder and took some just to see what it was like. Seemed to work well. Then in the very early hours of 19th feb I took 4 more
Oxypowder pills. I was going to do a
Colon Cleanse because I've just come off a
parasite cleanse but then I thought "oh no I'll do a liver cleanse first THEN do the colon cleanse". So last night I did a liver cleanse. Today I am so freakin itchy!!!! It seems that within 1 - 2 days of taking
Oxypowder the itch is very apparent.
Is this weird??? What is in oxypowder that could cause an allergic reaction? I know it contains germanium but I have no idea what that is! Anyone? HELP! This itch is driving me nuts!