Hi forum readers
I'm 42, womyn trying to overcome ill health brought about by poor eating habits, especially reversing effects of gluten intolerance, been on gluten free diet for a few years. 8 months ago finished dental amalgom replacement, and
root canal removal.Weakness,brain fog, candita,
Depression still troubling me, so a few days ago decided to try
Clarkia parasite herb combo and today finished second basic Hilda Clark Zapping session 7min on 20min off 3 times. So of course pushed my detox to point of migraine, which is also a monthly ailment for me. During zapping today, tears just started running down my cheeks, i cried some between zaps, my headache went away. I decide, use that colema board and epsom salt, a month since last use.
I've been drinking 1 pandb in the morning(psyllium and bentonite) but was constipated today and figured gotta go....here's my direct question, anyone ever passed dark triangular flat pieces? small size of pea but flat.
I really appreciate any feedback I have only passed these things a few times over the past year since aquiring colema system and have felt the best after such is removed. Looking forward to continuous health. susan recommend