My sister and a coworker both threw up the salt water but the funny thing is, they still got results.
Yes, the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) pushes though the intestinal track. By that I don't mean it necessarily has cleansing action, but if you've been bowel cleansing, liver cleansing, or doing the master cleanse, it will flush the junk out powerfully.
As far as I know, it does NOT cleanse the liver or any other organ. I believe I've read that it is isotonic, or something like that, and that the ph of the salt water causes it to not be absorbed and to run straight through your system. In other words, the water is not going to stay around to nourish your body, it's coming straight out!
Yes, I've both read of and experience MP coming out with the flush. You'd have to venture over to the
Master Cleanse Forum to read of those experiences. Start with the FAQ.
Uh, the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) is a great deal more water and it's salty whereas for me, the OO==who am I kidding, they both are pretty blech!
But don't get confused, the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) does not compare in any way to the Liver Flush. It is strictly an eliminatory agent.