A couple of questions. I just received a bag of
Bentonite and a tub of powdered psyllium husk in the post in order to do a colon cleanse.
1) do I have to soak the
Bentonite in water overnight before taking it? Or can I just put a spoon of it in water and drink it like that?
2) do I take the
Bentonite and psyllium at the same time?
3)how much of each and how often should I take them per day?
4)Should I be eating or drinking anything else special at the same time? Or should I fast like blessedherbs suggests?
5)how long does it usually take to experience results (ie ropes, mucoid plaque or whatever - I'm 19, I eat fairly healthy, BM's @least twice daily) ? Will I notice any obvious benefits in the state of my health?
6) Should I do this before, after or during the
Clarkia parasite cleanse (also sitting in front of me)?
7) Finally, is it okay to do a
Liver Flush during this cleanse?