I know all the options one can do to cleanse your colon is pretty overwhelming. I've been there. I was badly constipated for a very long time, and I thought i was screwed. Then i found out about the Colonix program, and I had good results. I always highly recommend this program to people, since it helps with parasites, getting your bowels working better, and cleaning blood at the same time. (
parasite murderer, GOOD fiber Supplement, Detox tea) You'll be amazed with what comes out of you. Whether its weird looking evil little buggers, or black clumps of old fecal matter. You feel so light after you get that stuff of you. i havn't tried the P&B shakes, but i hear that is not for everyone. If you have the money i suggest Colonix,
www.drnatura.com Good luck. P.S. Start drinking 6-8 cups of warm water everyday.. It'll help.