Too bad you had the surgery. The appendix holds the good bacteria.
I find when I have any problems I do liverflushes, see liverflush forum.
Cleaning your liver from sludge, stones and toxins does wonders for your body.
Do bowelcleanses but not with laxatives, you can try triphala,
Oxypowder , colosan or homozon. The last three are real cleansers.
I use to have pain that travelled through different parts of my intestines. BTW my pain came from a gallstone but the pain was always everywhere except in the gallbladder area.
Read the FAQ at the top of the pages for more information.
Too bad you had the surgery. The appendix holds the good bacteria.
I find when I have any problems I do liverflushes, see liverflush forum.
Cleaning your liver from sludge, stones and toxins does wonders for your body.
Do bowelcleanses but not with enemas, you can try triphala,
Oxypowder , colosan or homozon. The last three are real cleansers.
I use to have pain that travelled through different parts of my intestines.
Read the FAQ at the top of the pages for more information.