I started taking the
Oxypowder on Friday. I much prefer it to Colosan and know that the Oxy works much better on my system than the Colosan did.
I finished the
Dr. Schulze Intestional Formula #2
Bowel Cleanse several weeks ago but still felt like I had more in me that needed to come out. After my
colonic got postponed, I decided to give the
Oxypowder a try. What I like about it is that it cleans out your small AND large intestine as well as your colon.
I will tell you this, I have never felt this way on a
Bowel Cleanse before - and I have done quite a few. I feel crampy, bloated, gasey, etc. Not loud or smelly gas, but blow up my insides gas. It is moving things in there and removing things the other cleanses never did. I am only on day five and plan to take it one full month. I was worried about all these symptoms and read the Q&A that
Oxypowder sent. It says:
If you are experiencing bouts of constipation, bloating or gas then most likely you are also suffering from the symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome or an over-growth of yeast or non-beneficial intestinal
parasites or microbes. Oxy Powder releases monatomic oxygen. Monatomic oxygen has shown in lab tests to kill forms of fungus, yeast, and bacteria. It is our theory that the oxidation of the compacted toxic material along with the possible die-off of harmful micro-organisms, yeast and fungus from the monatomic oxygen can be absorbed back into the blood stream through tiny holes (resulting from years of damage) in the intestinal lining. This may cause you to experience symptoms of temporary cramping, draining sinuses, fatigue, skin eruptions and insomnia. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, give Oxy Powder thirty days to help balance your intestinal system.
Symptoms may also include water, gaseous stools, some temporary lower bowel cramping due to the gas build up, mild headache, maybe some temporary joint pain. All will be temporary and will resolve as soon as the toxins are expelled from the body.
Gee, lucky me......I think I hit almost everything on their symptom list. I needed this cleanse much more than I realized. Again, I have tried quite a few
Bowel Cleanses and this is one that I feel is really working to finally clean out my entire system. I am not merely pooping more, I can actually feel it cleaning out my entire system. It sounds like a full orchestra is playing inside my stomach - it is making that much noise, gurgling, swishing, etc. I did a castor oil pack last night as I thought my insides might just explode wide open from all the gas cramps inside. It provided tremendous relief from the gas and also helped me to push an enormous amount of poop out this morning. The poop looks like thick, liquid brownie mix so to see that much of it at once is quite amazing. I am not eating that much but drinking a ton of fluids. So I know it is pulling a ton of stuff out of me to pass this much each day.
Sorry for the brownie visual, but that is what it really looks like. I hope I didn't ruin this treat for anyone in the future!! :)