Hello all...I would just like to share with you the latest good news.
A friend of mine (he's 64) has had allergies for many years. Hay fever. Can't cut the grass ever...when he does he sneezes and wheezes. Has taken anti-histamines forever. Lately, though, it's been really bad. For one week he was sneezing and wheezing, his eyes were red, his whole face looked irritated by something just beneath the skin. Not good. He had to sleep sitting up some nights because he would wake in the middle of the night unable to breath - his lungs were closing up.
Well, I visited on the weekend and got him (and my other friend, too) to read ALL the stuff on www.thedoctorwithin.com site with me. We printed it out and read sooo much of it.
Journey to the Center of the Colon, Allergies, Enzymes, The Last Resort, The New West Diet...on and on all afternoon.
Because his lungs were in bad shape I suggested they start off their new regime with an organic pear fast (pears heal the lungs and bronchitis). So he did that, while taking
Bentonite and psyllium shakes and probiotics (he will add the enzymes when they get them) and he's drinking LOTS of water (2 litres at least).
Well...I have to share the emails I've received from him over the last two days! Fantastic!!! Here ya go:
Subject: The new me
Hi Tracey.
You won't believe what is happening to me!!!!
I am on day 2 of total withdrawal, no sugar, no coffee, no wheat, no dairy products of any kind ---and I feel like a new man.
I really can't believe how quickly it has changed me. And no pills and no drips or sneezing. It's wonderful. So thank you, thank you, thank you. All those people on the chat line were right. (*that's you guys - he's been thinking I was slightly crazy! haha) My stomach was feeling so tight, now that pulling sensation has gone away, and I can hold it in easier. Now to just get rid of it all together. That will come. But the most amazing thing is how energized I feel. I'm sure *--* thinks I am crazy and is getting tired of hearing me say it, but I feel great.
Then, today:
Hi Tracey.
Today is day 3, and I cut the grass this afternoon without sneezing, without wheezing, and with no runny eyes. And I didn't fall off the tractor once. (*ha!) It was unbelievable. Normally I must fortify myself with a couple of pills at least, and then still sneeze and drip, and then feel hung over from the pills for a couple of days. How wonderful is this. This is just an update and to thank you again. Still only water and pears and I feel (as Tony the Tiger says) "GRRRREAT "
So there ya go! If any of you have allergies you'll have to try this. He'll move into the New West Diet tomorrow, I guess - mainly raw foods, lots of water, probiotics, enzymes and b&p's. He's going to clean out so that he never has allergies again! Could take some time, but this is a very positive start!
The Doctor Within