hi exile,
1) Does the ozonation/ozoning of water just produce weak hydrogen peroxide by bonding another O molecule to the H2O?
no. ozonated water has nothing to do with hydrogen peroxide. pumping ozone into water has a very volatile effect (unless you apply technology like the oxy-water people do. through their method the extra oxygen stays in the water for nearly unlimited time. for info go to: oxywater.com). whereas hydrogen peroxide is a very stable product. it takes a month for the H2O2 to lose 1 or 2% of its concentration. then look also how ozonated water and H2O2 are produced - two totally different procedures.
2) Can you ozone normal tap water or does it have to be distilled water? Is there any difference in effect or time it needs to be ozoned for?
yes, you can also ozonate tap water. in fact, you SHOULD ozonate it, before cooking with it or making tea. tap water contains chemicals like chlorine or flourine, heavy metals, and many other contaminants. ozone eliminates them all. but in doing so, the concentration of ozone in the water sinks, since the ozone is needed to clean the water - i.e. the ozone molecules bond themselves to the dirty stuff and are so used up. so the contaminants and ozone cancel each other out - neutrolize themselves. what remains is clean water. so if you want to have the full effect of ozone in your water for the ozone itself you should use distilled water.
3) What is the best way (most effective) of increasing the level of oxygen you get, ozoning water, breathing in ozone or hydrogen peroxide?
the most effective way of increasing your level of oxygen is definitely the intravenous method with ozone being the stronger and faster method. but comparing ozone and H2O2 is like comparing a formula 1 race car to a porsche. they are both extremely effective and fast. but ozone is definitely the formula 1 car.
between ozoning water and breathing ozone - i personally would say that drinking ozonated water is the more effective way. there may be other opinions. but everything depends - how much do you drink, for how long do you ozonate it, do you use tap water or distilled water. and then - if you are considering buying an non-medical ozone generator there is no point in chosing between one method and the other. use both. that way you deliver twice as much oxygen into your body. you can also make baths in ozonated water. the point is to FLOOD YOUR BODY WITH OXYGEN. and not just dabbling in it. so if you could get a non-medical generator you could also use it for insufflations, o3 shots or o3 saunas.
as to H2O2 - it depends HOW you use it. when used intravenously it comes only a few steps behind ozone. drinking very diluted H2O2 - there is some controversy attached to it. but if you don't have any other possibilites right now or are waiting for your ozone generator to arrive - do it.
the biggest advantage of H2O2 over ozone is clearly its availability. you can buy it at any drug store, farmacy, or health food store. you can start with it right away. sniff it. inhale it. spray your body after showers/baths with it. make baths in it. have you read the story about the guy who cured himself of cancer by inhaling it? that should make you run to the next drug store and buy it buy the gallons. and it costs pennies.
4) Do all non medical ozone producers also produce NOX (I gather this is Nitrogen Oxide rather than Nitrous Oxide - I wouldn't mind breathing in/drining the latter not sure about the formar though)? How much is produced - does this vary between manufacturers or will all produce a certain proportion?
non medical ozone generators MIGHT produce TRACE amounts of nitrous oxids (which then, by hitting excessive moisture in the air MIGHT turn into trace amounts of nitric acid). so there is the possibility that that happens. it doesn't mean it happens always. the ones which minimize the possibility are cold process corona glow ozone generators.
keep in mind: we are talking about TRACE amounts. i am sure that even the worst ozonators with the most output of NOX (which still would have been TRACE amounts) have done more good than damage.
if you want to eliminate the NOX completely you have to go with a medical grade generator.
5) On posts/adverts for ozoning water I've seen reference to stones to go in the water? what are these & what do theydo?
you attach those stones to the generator, switch it on, put the stone into the water and so produce ozonated water. the stones serve to put ozone into the water.
6) What type of plastic tube is ok to use to direct ozone from a generator into water?
not sure about this one. maybe someone else should answer that question. but i would say that any plastic tube which does not contain latex since latex is made of natural dead organic cells - which get destroyed by ozone. so you would probably have to go with a fully synthetic plastic tube.
7) For manufacturers does anyone know of Hailea - they make ozone generators for aquariums, will this work as well as any other non-medical one (same question for ozone generators for use in hydroponics). Details are:
MODEL: HL0-800
VOLTAGE: 110/220V
PRESSURE: >0.01Mpa
OUTPUT: 3.5L/min
O3 CAPACITY: 100mg/h
WEIGHT: 0.9kg
SIZE((mm): 186×137×63
again, this should answer somebody who is more familiar with the technical aspects.
8) I read on one site that O3 takes around 20 seconds to break down in water - is this acurate & if so do the Oxygen molecules left over remain stable & remain in the water.
i don't know what exactly there was written, but what should interest you is the fact that o3 stays for approximately 20 minutes in the water. after that you can hardly trace it. so you should drink it FAST. it does NOT remain stable in the water. (unless yo use the methods of the oxy-water company).
9) How long can you leave ozoned water for - can you make up a big batch & keep it for a while?
the answer to point 8) should have answered this one, too. so, NO you CANNOT make up a big batch and keep it.
10) Is an output of 110mg/hour ok for a non-medical unit. If there are 2 outputs noted at 100mg/hour is this equivalent to 200mg/hour (silly question I know but Imight be missing something obvious). The generator in question is http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HYDROPONIC-ODOUR-KILLER-200mg-OZONE-GENERATOR_W0QQitemZ...
well, there isn't written HOW exactly it works. it only states that it does not work with ultra-violet. and it says that "one output could be used with an air stone", well, do they offer those stones? if not, where can you get them? since whithout the stones you will not be able to ozonate your water.
what do you think about this one?:
hope, i could be of some help.
keep us updated.