Thank you to the person who posted about putting drops
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) in your ears at the onset of a cold or the flu.
In spite of my rigorous daily routine including ozone
and mega doses of vitamins and MSM, the flu was going through
our house again and I could feel it nipping at my immune
system. I never got sick in spite of others in my house, but
I was feeling tired and you could tell it was trying to
get me.
Well, I put a few drops of regular 3% in each ear and it seemed
to give it the knock-out punch. (I actually kind of enjoyed listening
to the snap-crackle-pop, knowing it was doing its job). I didn't go
to bed until 3:30AM because I wasn't tired and woke up feeling great
at 7:00AM. Odd, how these little pests can keep you down.