A great website that describe its benefits is:
It makes the cells in your body permeable so oxygen and nutrients
can get in and cell waste can get out. It's been said to be
the most effective detoxifying substance ever discovered.
Basically, the moment you start taking the stuff (at least the
pure powder form), your body starts releasing all its waste.
Also, it's like turbocharging the oxygen therapies, because it
helps with the uptake.
You have to start out slow though and work up. When I went too
fast, I got alot of detox reactions (I had meneires symptons for about
3 weeks - plugged ears, vertigo, etc.). When I backed off and then
went at it again slowly increasing, the symtoms went away.
I had read that tough diseases like aids can take months to clear up
with ozone, but when used in conjunction with MSM, they were
accomplishing the same thing within 30 days. Not that I have aids,
but I figured there must be something to it.