I have saved this post for a long time. John Rose wrote it. I thought it was very inspiring and saved it:
I got rid of my diverticulosis by juice fasting and cayenne pepper. When you give your system a vacation by only drinking juices, you will literally poop those "divers" right out of you. I didn't even know that I had this condition until I saw them come out of me. It also wasn't until I used cayenne pepper that these empty cavities were able to completely heal. Most of our diseases are related to a lack of blood flow because nutrients cannot go in and waste matter cannot come out. Of course, diverticulosis is a result of straining from eating a diet with way too little fiber, but once the colon wall is ruptured and filled with waste matter, blood can no longer enter.
For years, I would juice fast, eat raw food and have no problems. But as soon as I ate cooked food, those blow outs on my colon wall would fill back up. I knew this because I would gain weight and then I would do another juice fast and out came those pieces that were obviously from those damaged areas of my colon. By using the cayenne pepper, blood was finally able to get to these damaged areas so that they could heal completely. I do believe, however, that a
Water Fast would also have healed those damaged areas, but like most people, I did not have the luxury to take a vacation from life at that time. On a water fast, my body would have simply cannibalized these damaged areas as opposed to just flushing them out on a juice fast.
PS If you are using cayenne pepper and not seeing any results, it's probably because you are using the lower-heat cayennes (VS 90,000 heat units) and/or using capsules. Capsules and the lower-heat cayennes do NOT work!
I would also like to add that I estimated that I might have had as many as 100 of these "divers" or blow outs on the side of my colon. I will never forget day 19 of my third juice fast. This was the only time that I ever had any type of cleansing reaction. All of a sudden I felt a little nauseous and immediately pooped out ~40 divers, which weighed exactly 24 ounces. 5 minutes later I felt nauseous again and again pooped ~40 more that also weighed exactly 24 ounces! I then estimated that I probably had another 20 or so that came out of me from days 11 to 30.
I just went back and read my journal during my first three juice fasts. It was fun to read my excitement and amazement describing what was coming out of me. On day 11 of this third juice fast, I wrote beside my first BM of the day that "This is definitely diverticula." This is not very hard to figure out because these "divers" fit like pieces to a puzzle.
One more thing about day 19 of my third juice fast. I was out of town and
juicing all day down by the San Marcos river. It was Juneteenth, so the river was packed with people celebrating. I spent a good part of the day
juicing for everybody and telling them about all of the garbage that's been coming out of me during my fast. You wouldn’t think that anyone would want to listen to this, but the
Watermelon juice tasted so good and this was nine years ago back when I was playing competitive tennis...I was exercising 7-8 hours every day, 50 hours every week and had the upper body very similar to the guys who play the Beastmaster on TV and the legs of Michael Chang. No one could believe that I was 38 years old and everyone listened and asked more questions than any other group that I had ever talked to...it was so much fun seeing so many people be receptive to this message.