Coconut oil works perfectly in the acute phase of diverticulitis. It reduces inflammation in the bowel, it softens the stool and the bowel will empty, swelling reduces and the symptoms of inflammation disappear.
As soon as you realize that you are in an inflammatory phase, start taking coconut oil. You can start with 1 teaspoon, but repeat the dose every half hour. Try and work the dose up to 1 tablespoon. Over a 12 hour period you will need to take quite a few tablespoons of the oil to get the bowel moving naturally.
Coconut oil contains caprylic acid (similar to breast milk) and is a natural anti inflammatory. You must use organic, cold pressed unrefined coconut oil.
When you have a bowel movement, it may be explosive, but the bowel will completely empty out (it will be very liquid and painless) and the inflammation will start to subside immediately.
Continue to take the coconut oil for the inflammation, but you can reduce the quantity.
There are other things you should do to help reduce infection in the acute phase of diverticulitis and do not eat solid food. Drink lots of water and juice vegetables.
When the acute has passed you will have to address the underlying problem to heal the colon so as to not have repeat attacks.