I would pray against this, but I have had the itch anus thing going on and thought it might be pin worms. You might want to check into this also..But then again everything cant be parasitic. I know this might be a little uncomfortable but if you have a
parasite or candidas you may want to tie a garlic clove dipped in olive oil inside of your rectum. Its like a dual edged sword, and once again you can rest easy at night. I did a enemique (if there is a word) I added a few drops of
Wormwood and
Black-Walnut abstract into my anus with a few drops up garlic oil around the outside of the problem area ..Im a bit embarrassed for sharing that but its what allowed me to sleep peacefully.
Please bare in mind our minds play tricks on us..Everything is not parasitic or a cause to start a
parasite regimen. But lets agree to make WAR with these little animals!!