Many, many liver flushes, bowel cleanses,
parasite cleanses later, I finally evicted one!
At least 10" long, with several sacs attached that looked like they were tightly wrapped in stringy sheaths. I managed to get one and squash it, but didn't see anything that looked like anything - I prefer to believe that they were eggs.
Since I was leaving for church, I didn't have time to pull this stuff out and wash off for a really close look. I gave it all my blessing and flushed!!!!!
This came about after a week of eating raw garlic. My bowel movements have been good since doing the garlic and I have not had garlic breath or any noticeable
Body Odor - at least I don't have the taste and haven't had any complaints from those close to me.
Also, prior to this I had done a
Liver Flush and a couple of days later felt the need to do an enema. Since I was getting ready for work I didn't have too much time so I just did about 1/2 a bag with a 1/8 cup hydrogen peroxide (usually good when I have gas). It was only a small rather dry stool which I got out quickly and went along my way.
Well, all day long at work I was passing the white fluffy stuff. Kinda looks like mucus but then again...not. What got me was that quite a bit of it had what looked like blood smear throughout it. Not dark red, just the pinkish tinge. I've had this before but it's been many many years ago. I always wondered if somehow the h202 ripped the candida off my intestinal lining or if this was maybe something else other than candida. Has anybody else had a similar experience?
Perhaps getting the candida out is what made it possible to finally release that parasite??
I am sooooo happy!