Hey Cary thems the ones I passed. I had posted this to the Liver forum and Tracey posted the link to the same pix that you had previously posted. Theres a good posibility that they could just be poppy seeds. Do either you or yemaya ever eat stuff like poppy seed bagels or muffins?
BTW yemaya does you screen name have any conection to the diety in the Lucumi religion?
The following is a cut and paste from my answer on the Liver forum.
Yep them the ones I passed. They varied a little in that some were more plump than others.I cut one of them open and it appeared to have a hard outer coating with a softer whitish interior.
I passed mine during the E/GFJ before the olive oil from my liver flush. I happened to see one imbeded on one of the larger
liver stones but that's neither here nor there cause that coulda happened in transit while passing through the colon.
I've been racking my brain since last night trying to think of anything I ate in the last few days that might have seeds that are shaped like that I was coming up blank till just now that I started writting this note when I remembered eating a poppy seed-lemon muffin around 3 days ago. Soooo hold on to your magnifiers kiddiess cause I'm gonna hafta go buy another one of them muffins in the next coupla days and extradicate a poppy seed from it and compare it to the ones I passed. As for the pitting on them. I theorize that that could be caused by the digestive juices.
So C & Y if you guys have access to any products with poppy seeds take a look and tell me what ya'll think.