Hi everyone. I need some experienced wisdom here. I just finished an 18 day mc and bought some probiotics today. I had a hard time deciding so I finally just went with my first choice and bought a powder. The brand is Ethical Nutrients (if that is important). I know nothing about this probiotics stuff. I found it ironic that after reading all about
parasites lately and how to get them out, I now am readily buying organisms by the billions (as it states on the label) and ingesting them in water. Sorry if I don't look up my question on the other archives but I haven't the patience to look through all that. I'm a little cranky after all that fasting. lol.
I would appreciate any help because is powder better than caps? How important is the expiration date? Are there certain 'organisms' that are more beneficial? I'm just lost here. Can someone help me out? Thanks.