its the moderation thing again.a little red wine every day is what the secret too 1 man who lived too 120+ yrs he said.Too much will wreck your liver,and get you a trip too AA.
I say 1 coffee a day is good.It gets everything in your system going,and I sure feel good sometimes after a coffee.As long as your stomach doesnt get upset which can happen with coffee(Ive got very sick after some coffees b4)...I make my coffee a lot weaker than the average,probably half strength(i never liked esspresso).I put a tiny pinch of salt and cream and sweetener,and its too good too say no too.Make sure too use a coffee maker that is CLEANED(vinegar works).Not the coffee makers that havent been washed in a month when there were 3 pots made per day,and black stains everywhere.Remember only the 1st cup has any stimulant affects on your system.the second and third cups have no positive affects.
for a person looking for a little boost 1 coffee too get you going is a good thing.So many people dont use the moderation when drinking coffee.