Hi Richard! I've been on these forums since November and I've heard the same complaint many many times! It didn't happen to me, but it seems to have happened to plenty of other people. I wonder if you did a search on curezone for - metallic taste - if you wouldn't come up with some posts about it? I am sure you are not bleeding internally!! It seems to be a side effect of cleansing...I'm sorry I don't know more about it...
It's not 'ammonia' like is it? Because that is the kind of taste/smell that
parasites give off when they die, apparently....
I hope you find something here! (and please post it if you do!)
Other than the metallic taste, how are you doing? Does it seem to be going well? I hope you get out some goodies from the b&p....and remember that the
Master-Cleanse (and bentonite) is cleansing you on a cellular level!