Hello again,
Cayenne powder:
Personally, I just buy it at my local food co-op. It is by Frontier. I think you can buy a tincture from Schulze (1-800-HERBDOC), and they may even sell some hot stuff, but mine works fine. You can probably get some *hot* stuff at an Indian food store. I've not gotten into the different BTUs of cayenne, so I'm an amatuer at this one.
Loose licorice:
Again, I buy mine at the local food co-op. I'm certainly lucky to have this place close by. Not sure where else you'd get loose. You can buy licorice root whole or in pieces. I buy the pieces, they're cheaper. Check a health food store that has bulk herbs. They'd probably have the cayenne.
Boil about 1 cup of water. Add about 1 flat Tbs. licorice. Let steep for approx 1 minute. Strain, drink.
If you steep too long, it gets too strong...tastes like bark. Should have a sweet taste (it is yummy).
Licorice tea is my choice for congestion. It is a natural expectorant.
Be patient. Mine took a long time.
All the best,
p.s. I've used FennuThyme for nasal congestion and it is GREAT. Don't know if it would help with chest congestion, but you could try. I bought Nature's Way "FenuThyme" NOTE that it also aids digestion, but does increase your appetite.