I have developed nail ridges on all of my nails. Some are so bad that they split down the ridge. The slightest trauma to my nails and they crack,split,snap off or crumble.
What causes this and what do I do to correct the problem please!
I used to have very weak nails but after about 6 weeks of taking digestive enzymes with meals they were very strong and now, about a year later, they look great! Strong, clear, and smooth! My aunt suggested that I wasn't digesting the protein (and other elements) in my food. You might want to look into that.
Thanks for your response Bob.
I am 55 years old. I suppose you are telling me I am low in calcium?
I take calcium/magnesium/C/multiple vitamins/multiple minerals. I cannot eat or drink milk products. I guess this isn't enough to get my calcium intake, or it isn't a good source.
Who is Dr.Christopher?
What is BFC?
Where would I find this?