Hi! I'm just writing to describe a strange feeling ive had for a few weeks now, and to see if anyone else gets the same thing and knows what the cause may be.
It started with a few dizzy spells where i was certain i was going to fall over and couldnt really concentrate for hours on end, and has developed into a constant feeling of 'not really being there' - like im watching the situation im in on tv and not really participating. Also my vision is sometimes like it gets when you get a drunk - not really focused - 'drunk vision'. This altered perception makes me withdrawn and absolutely demotivated - i have no energy to do anything - i can sit for hours on end with my mind absolutely blank and not feel bored; just feel nothing. I have been feeling very tired but not sleeping excessively. Another strange symptom is anxiety of any situation which involves confrontation, eg going to the shops makes me very jumpy with all the people milling around me; even answering the phone can be a problem as i dont want to have to deal with chatting when i feel like this. I am usually a confident, energetic and healthy person - what is happening to me?
The doctor didnt really come up with anything, saying only that i should go back in a month if things dont improve. My sister, who is very interested in alternative health and nutrition, thinks that the cause may be an overstressed liver leading to an inability to break down hormones, and that a strict diet and detox is in order. Im not sure about this as i do eat quite healthily and dont drink heavily. Any other suggestions?