I have a candida question that I also posted on that board but I will also try it here since several people here seem to know what is going on.
I have suspected Candida for some time so as part of a continued body cleansing I starting taking a Candida cleanse that is loaded with Caprylic Acid, Pau D'Arco, grapefruit sead, etc.
I am about 3 days into this cleanse and I have noticed in my bm what I hope is the Candida die off....it looks like very tiny little cotton balls floating in the water....they are no bigger than an 1/8 to 1/4
inch around, white and sort of fluffy looking, almost like a tiny cotton jellyfish.
The second day of taking the cleanse, I think I experienced some die off symptoms because I suddenly felt like I was coming down with the flu...but after a long sleep it went away.
Is that the Candida die off?...The flu symptoms and the cotton jellyfish in the toilet bowl?