buahahahahahahaha...worms, worms...wooorrmmms! ;-P
yes, it is a zoo indeed! tracey, why not alternate your parasite/bowel cleanse with the liver flush? that's what i'm doing. just breaking the b&p cleanse a day before and doing my maintenace dose of the
parasite cleanse the nite or 2 before the flush. the
parasite cleanse is gonna be a part of my life till i don't see those buggers anymore. so glad im flushing my liver out at the same time tho, just the thought of what's been occupying it! ick! and what a good way to get rid of 2 problems at the same time! stoned worms....?
i'm considering my 3rd this weekend but definately no more
Epsom Salts , and if so then in capsules. i think i may try the above recipe instead tho.
i also put my daughter on the para gone, her first day today. it sounds really good and is easy to take. she's almost 13 but the brave soul agreed to flush her liver midway through the cleanse when that time comes. she has seen my critters and is more afraid them then the olive oil concoction!
it should be interesting to see what creatures she hosts...buahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ;-)