Firstly I would find out whether you do have high pesticide levels by getting a proper lab test done, you can't entrust something as important as this to such a highly controvertial method as homeopathic testing in my opinion.
I have had a fat cell biopsy done at Biolab in London and found to be high in many toxins, including pesticides. There's absolutely NO point asking normal doctors about this - my GP hadn't even heard of Environmental Medicine, the branch which covers these type of problems. If you are in the UK you could ask Biolab to refer you to a local doctor who uses them. As far as i know they are one of very few labs which can do this test properly. you just get a few fat cells hoovered out with a syringe and sent to the lab. you certainly will have some chemicals in you, but it could be useful to know how high the levels are. Hair tests are sometimes used but are inaccurate according to most experts (many reasons, but one is that you are testing for excreted substances and sometimes huge levels of a toxin can cause that detoxification pathway to shut down altogether showing no trace)
If that is your problem, and remember it might well not be the only one as in my case - many of these health problems have interlinking aspects ( e.g.
parasites and viruses, mercury and candida), then i suggest you think about a sauna programme. I reduced my burden dramatically with a 3 month/1.5 hrs per day regime, and have now begun using a Far Infra-Red sauna which is supposed to penetrate deeper into the body and cause better detoxification at a lower temperature. If you do this type of thing, do seek proper advice first with a doctor to check your heart etc..also consider that you are losing huge amounts of liquid and minerals which need to be replaced. Sweating is hard work, but it's the only really proven way of excreting toxins from the body properly. There are ways to increase sweating such as cayenne, niacin and exercise.
Strengthening your organs would be a great plan with a colon cleanse, liver cleanse etc - details from curezone main page if you don't know about this already.
Hope this is of use, Good luck.