Dear Mike,
Listen to your intuition! It's
pointing you in the right direction.
Yes, you should give alternative
health protocols one last, thorough
shot before you let the doctors
begin cutting.
If you adopt a near-vegetarian diet
that is composed of 75 percent
living foods, that extra weight
will disappear in short order.
Cut out all meat and dairy, with the
exception of an organic yogurt. Cut
out ALL processeed foods. Instead
of meat, eat salmon and sardines
from cans; wild-caught fish.
And as the other poster suggested,
begin doing some internal cleanses.
Your colon and liver are probably
home to decades-worth of toxins.
I recommend
Dr. Schulze 's cleanses.
Until you clean all the gunk out,
Mike, the living foods won't get a
chance to do their good work.
Get a juicer and use it every day.
Drink fresh veggie and fruit juice
as often as possible. And drink lots
of water. I drink about a gallon of
distilled water every day. I make
it myself in the kitchen. If your
system has been cleaned, you eat
mostly living foods, and you drink
lots of pure water every day, your
body will begin healing itself.
Go to the Vitamin C forum and read
my post entitled Mega-Doses of Vitamin C. LOTS of people have
cured their hepatitis with BIG
daily doses of vitamin C. I'm 63,
and I've lived on the eating-regimen
I described to you, for 28 years.
I'm in perfect health.
Yes, swimming in wonderful exercise.
I don't suppose your back would permit you to use a rebounder; just
gently bounce up and down, wihout
your feet leaving the mat. If you
could do that, Mike, then rebounding
would be wonderful for you.
I'd also suggest that you begin
saying affirmations every day. I
posted some good ones on the
Affirmations forum: two sets, actually. If any of them resonate
with you, repeat them aloud to
yourself first thing in the morning,
right after meditation. The spiritual affirmations will, in time, help to alleviate the stress.
Your body wants to heal itself. If
you clean out all 75 trillion cells
to the best of your ability, then
your body will know that it's time to begin the healing process.
Last thought: on the Quotes forum,
I posted some wonderful quotes
yesterday about Healing: the mind-
body connection. Check them out, Mike.
I wish you the very best in your
quest to restore your health.