He says, "There is not good evidence that any complementary treatment can prevent cancer." This sort of statement borders on the most ignorant statement I've ever heard from anyone in modern medicine -- and believe me, there's a lot of competition for that designation. An analysis of 32 websites is abysmal in terms of looking at the vast amount of information available on the internet, and what's very clear is that this is a campaign of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) initiated by purveyors of modern medicine in order to scare people away from finding information about cancer on the internet.
But let's get to the bottom of this and look at the real reason why this kind of propaganda is being distributed through the national media. The real reason they are attacking cancer websites is because the internet is the only place people can go to actually learn the truth about the cancer industry and cures for cancer that don't involve chemotherapy, surgeries, or other radical procedures offered by western medicine. Organized medicine is learning the hard way that people are educating themselves about cancer and about alternatives to treating this disease, and that scares the industry because it threatens profits.
Frankly, organized medicine would rather people remain ignorant. They don't want people to be informed about anything other than the treatments that they promote and control, and as a result they continue to engage in these FUD campaigns to discourage people from learning about health online. Ideally what the industry wants is a form of censorship -- they want websites to be flagged to indicate which ones are "official" cancer websites. Of course, only the websites publishing content that agrees 100% with the highly corrupt cancer industry would be qualified to receive such a flag or emblem. This is the seal of approval idea, and the professor who conducted this study believes that a seal of approval should be posted on websites that are offering so-called "scientific" information on cancer.
What's amazing about all this is the level of ignorance demonstrated by this person and by the industry in general when they say there is no evidence that any complementary treatment can prevent cancer. In fact, he has it completely wrong. There is a tremendous amount of evidence if a person bothers to look for it. And much of that evidence is published in traditional medical journals -- peer- reviewed journals that are available throughout the world. For example, there is compelling evidence showing nutritional approaches to both preventing and reversing cancer. There's evidence showing that spirulina destroys cancer tumors. There's evidence about oxygen therapy. There's evidence about cat's claw and Amazon herbs in reversing cancer. In fact, cancer is one of the easiest diseases to reverse with herbal medicines and nutritional therapy, and yet this person states that there is no evidence whatsoever. In order to make a statement like that, a person must either be outright lying or utterly ignorant of the last 30 years of research on cancer conducted around the world, because there are a great number of complementary treatments that are proven not only to be effective, but far more effective than anything that western medicine can offer.Speaking of western medicine, let's look at what it does offer to cancer patients, because it is here that there is really no good evidence of increased survival rates for cancer. Even though billions of dollars have been dumped into the cancer industry over the last several decades, survival rates for cancers treated by western medicine have hardly improved at all. The increased survival rates of patients undergoing chemotherapy are measured in months, not even years. I'm talking about months here, folks. A person can undergo $50,000 worth of treatment and live an extra 3 months, and western medicine calls that a success, and it is their official position that that is the only treatment that should be available to sufferers of cancer -- that if you go outside the system and find something that increases your lifespan by years or decades, then you are committing some sort of crime by venturing outside of orthodox western medicine. In fact, chemotherapy is largely a fraud. There is no evidence that chemotherapy increases overall lifespan at all. Chemotherapy is only measured a success by the degree to which it shrinks tumors, and tumor shrinkage is not strongly correlated with enhanced life expectancy of the patient.
That's because cancer is not a local disease, by the way. Doctors continue to think that a tumor is a cancer, but in fact, cancer is a system disorder -- it is a failure of the patient's immune system and it is present throughout the body, not just in one place that can be surgically removed. Chemotherapy by itself is a horrific treatment for cancer. It is barbaric. It is steeped in the beliefs of the dark ages of modern medicine, where the body is a battleground that should be destroyed by powerful toxins in order to somehow eliminate this invader that's causing this disease.
Chemotherapy destroys a patient's immune system, and this is precisely the opposite of what needs to take place in order to prevent cancer. A patient's immune system needs to be boosted, not destroyed. When it is sufficiently boosted and enhanced through mind-body medicine, nutritional therapies, physical exercise, herbal remedies, homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, and other forms of therapy, only then can the patient cure their own cancer and return to a healthy, normal life. So, in a very real sense, modern medicine attempts to outlaw precisely those things that actually work to prevent cancer. It is accurate to say that the existing cancer industry prevents prevention. They are against prevention. They do not want prevention to be well known or to be adopted by medical practitioners, and one of the ways they do that is of course to spread fear and uncertainty about alternative cancer treatments through headlines such as the one I'm discussing here. If they can scare people away from the internet, then they can keep people ignorant of the true treatments for cancer. It's kind of like if you ran a plantation back in the slave days of the United States, you would make sure your slaves remained illiterate, because that way they wouldn't gain enough education to venture out on their own and leave your plantation. In modern medicine, patients are like slaves, and the medical industry wants to keep everyone enslaved by making sure they don't have access to good information about how to prevent chronic disease. "Keep 'em dumb!" seems to be the slogan of organized medicine. The less you know about health and disease, the better they like it. (You can verify this yourself by visiting an old-school M.D. and telling him you've read something on the Internet about cancer or some other chronic disease. Watch how quickly they criticize the fact that you're even using the Internet as an educational tool...)If all this sounds a little strange, recognize that there is a war taking place in the cancer industry. It is an information war, and on one side is the established cancer industry, which wants to control the flow of information and censor any information that doesn't agree with their official position. The cancer industry wants to prevent prevention. They like to see that a certain percentage of the population remains diseased with cancer, and that new treatments that actually work are suppressed at every opportunity. This is why companies such as Lane Labs have been put out of business -- they were offering nutritional supplements that actually helped boost the patient's immune system so that they could cure their own cancer. There's no doubt that the cancer industry will also be trying to censor this website. They don't want this information getting out most of all. This is the information that helps people realize that their access to the truth about alternative medicine is being limited by those in power.
But let's get down to the bottom of all this. If the western medicine cancer industry actually worked, cancer would be cured by now. We were promised cures decades ago. But it doesn't work -- cancer has skyrocketed in the last 20 years, and cure rates have barely budged. Today, people who are diagnosed with cancer have no more survival rate than a person who avoids western medicine treatments. In fact, if you take a good hard look at it, the only people actually surviving cancer for years and decades are the people who avoid western medicine and who seek out alternative therapies. They are people who change their lifestyle, who learn about nutrition and start consuming cancer-fighting superfoods such as chlorella and spirulina (see related ebook on spirulina). They are people who take anti-cancer herbs such as licorice root and graviola. Graviola is a powerful anti-cancer herb that has been shown to be 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy at targeting cancer cells without harming the patient with any of the traditional side effects of chemotherapy.
If I Had Terminal Cancer
Dr. Ralph Moss has written the book, Questioning Chemotherapy, which documents the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy in treating most cancers. On
Dr. Moss has gained credibility by writing eight books, including his most recent work, Cancer Therapy: The Independent Consumer's Guide to Non-Toxic Treatment. He also wrote The Cancer Industry, a documented research work telling of the enormous financial and political corruption in the "cancer establishment". He indicates that the motivating forces in cancer research and treatment are often power and money, and not the cure of cancer patients. He also writes, The Cancer Chronicles, a newsletter reporting on new cancer treatments and preventive measures.
Dr. Moss' work documents the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy on most forms of cancer. However, he is fair in pointing out that there are the following exceptions: Acute Iymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, and nonseminomatous testicular cancer. Also, a few very rare forms of cancer, including choriocarcinoma, Wilm's tumor, and retinoblastoma. But all of these account for only 2% to 4% of all cancers occurring in the
Effective cancer treatment is a matter of definition. The FDA defines an "effective" drug as one which achieves a 50% or more reduction in tumor size for 28 days. In the vast majority of cases there is absolutely no correlation between shrinking tumors for 28 days and the cure of the cancer or extension of life.
When the cancer patient hears the doctor say "effective," he or she thinks, and logically so, that "effective" means it cures cancer. But all it means is temporary tumor shrinkage.
Chemotherapy usually doesn't cure cancer or extend life, and it really does not improve the quality of the life either, on the contrary, it can greatly decrease the quality of life. Doctors frequently make this claim though. There are thousands of studies that were reviewed by Dr. Moss as part of the research for his book--and there is not one single good study documenting this claim.
What patients consider "good quality of life" seems to differ from what the doctors consider. To most it is just common sense that a drug that makes you throw up, and lose your hair, and wrecks your immune system is not improving your quality of life. Chemotherapy can give you life-threatening mouth sores. People can slough the entire lining of the intestines! One longer-term effect is particularly tragic: people who've had chemotherapy no longer respond to nutritional or immunologically-based approaches to their cancers. And since chemotherapy doesn't cure 96% to 98% of all cancers anyway... People who take chemotherapy have sadly lost their chance of finding another sort of cure.
It's especially telling that in a number of surveys most chemotherapists have said they would not take chemotherapy themselves or recommend it for their families. Chemotherapy drugs are the most toxic substances ever put deliberately into the human body. They are known poisons, they are designed poisons. The whole thing began with experiments with "mustard gas," the horrible chemical-warfare agents from World War I.
Dr. Moss' position on chemotherapy is supported by many major students of the study of cancer treatment. Following are some examples: Dr. John Bailar is the chief of epidemiology at
Dr. John Cairns, a professor of microbiology at Harvard, published his view in Scientific American in 1985, "that basically the war on cancer was a failure and that chemotherapy was not getting very far with the vast majority of cancers."
As far back as 1975, Nobel Laureate James Watson of DNA fame was quoted in the New York Times saying that the American public had been "sold a nasty bill of goods about cancer."
In 1991, Dr. Albert Braverman, Professor of Hematology and Oncology at the State University of New York, Brooklyn, published an article in Lancet titled "Medical Oncology in the 1990s," in which he wrote: "The time has come to cut back on the clinical investigation of new chemotherapeutic regimens for cancer and to cast a critical eye on the way chemotherapeutic treatment is now being administered."
Dr. Braverman says that there is no solid tumor incurable in 1976 that is curable today. Dr. Moss confirms this and claims that the greatest breakthrough in the objective study of chemotherapy came from a biostatistician at the
With the extensive documentation in Dr. Moss' book, and all the statistics developed by the experts, why is chemotherapy still pushed by the large majority of oncologists? Dr. Moss feels that "there's a tremendous conflict going on in the minds of honest, sensitive, caring oncologists." They're in a very difficult position because they've been trained to give these drugs. And they've devoted many years to reaching a very high level of expertise in the knowledge of poisonous, deadly compounds. They're really in a bind, because they went into oncology to help the cancer patient, yet the tools they've been given don't work. And they see what happens to physicians who "step out of line" and treat cancer with alternative means.
Armed raids, loss of licensure, professional smearing and ostracism are some of the consequences. These could all be related to the quotation in the book made by Dr. Lundberg, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association. At a recent National Institute of Health meeting, he said of chemotherapy: "[It's] a marvelous opportunity for rampant deceit. So much money is there to be made that ethical principles can be overrun sometimes in a stampede to get at physicians and prescribers." You never heard that on the evening news.
The economics of cancer treatment are astounding. Cancer treatment is close to $100 billion annually ($100,000,000,000). The chemotherapy part of that by 2005 will be up to $12.5 billion.
Looking from another angle: the Bristol Myers company owns patents on twelve of the nearly forty "FDA-approved" chemotherapeutic drugs. The president, past president, chairman of the board, and a couple of the directors of Bristol Myers all hold positions on the board at
Dr. Moss' book details the failures (and very few successes) for chemotherapy with more than fifty types of cancer, includes a complete description of the major chemotherapy drugs, and has a section about questions to ask your doctor. All of Dr. Moss' books and Cancer Chronicles newsletters are available from Equinox Press, 1-800-929-WELL or 718-636-4433.
We are obviously losing ground with conventional cancer treatment, because the death rates keep going up. The reason for this is because conventional treatment is based on a faulty standard: That the body must be purged of cancer by aggressive and toxic methods such as surgery chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This, of course, seemed reasonable back in 1894 when William Halsted, M.D. did the first radical mastectomy, but it has proven to be so wrong over the last 50 years that continuing to adhere to it constitutes more fraud than honest mistake. However, this standard still dominates conventional cancer therapy, and until that changes, we will continue to lose ground with cancer.
Dr. Whitaker, a firm believer in Dr. Moss' work and alternative cancer therapy goes on to give some of his personal views:
Statistics Don't Tell the Real Story
What is lost in the unemotional statistic of 500,000 cancer deaths per year is how those people died. Dr. Whitaker goes on to say more about the treatment of cancer: In my opinion, conventional cancer therapy is so toxic and dehumanizing that I fear it far more than I fear death from cancer. We know that conventional therapy doesn't work--if it did, you would not fear cancer any more than you fear pneumonia. It is the utter lack of certainty as to the outcome of conventional treatment that virtually screams for more freedom of choice in the area of cancer therapy. Yet most so-called alternative therapies regardless of potential or proven benefit, are outlawed, which forces patients to submit to the failures that we know don't work, because there's no other choice.
Personal Belief Systems Determine the Choices You Make
Because cancer treatment is such a sensitive issue, I need to set some ground rules before I tell you what I would do if I had cancer. What follows is what I personally would do. It is not a recommendation for you, and should not be considered as such. It is not even what my wife would do (that would be her decision), nor is it what my young son would do (that would be the joint decision of my wife and myself). The choices to be made in treating cancer are not easy ones, because there is so little certainty of cure in any of them. The course that someone chooses to take is very personal, and reflects not only that person's knowledge of the options, but also his/her beliefs.
Yet, because we are strongly influenced by our natural fear of death, we lineup for conventional cancer therapy, not so much believing that it will work, but hoping that it will not fail. If expensive, debilitating procedures to eliminate acne scars had the same failure rate as cancer treatment, they would be abandoned. It is only because cancer is so often fatal that conventional approaches were not abandoned long ago. We continue to use them not because they work, but because those who perform them have so vigorously eliminated any other choice.
My Imaginary Cancer Scenario
(by Dr. Julian Whitaker)
Though I would approach my own dilemma with hopes of total cure, I would be the first to admit that, regardless of the course I took, the chances of that are small. Consequently, my choices of cancer therapy are a mix of science and philosophy. They are as much a reflection of how I would struggle for survival as of how I would wish to die if the struggle failed. For the purposes of this discussion, let us assume that I have just been diagnosed with cancer of the lung, and a particularly virulent one. Before going into what I would do and why, let me say what I wouldn't do, and why.
I Wouldn't Take A Passive Role
If I am going to fight for my life, I want to do just that. I am always perplexed by the news stories of some celebrity, doped to the gills with heinous poison, "courageously battling for his life." What does this mean? The celebrity, who simply accepts conventional cancer therapy, is no more "courageous" than a laboratory mouse. This is not to say that what the celebrity is doing is wrong, only that it is the very opposite of a willful act of courage.
Taking a passive role with today's conventional therapy is terribly dangerous. Jackie Kennedy, after a "courageous fight," succumbed to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - or did she? Her early demise, attributed to the cancer, was a shock to cancer specialists worldwide, and brought into question the real cause of her death. She had been given an unproved protocol of very high-dose chemotherapy. The drugs alone could easily have caused her death - and this would not be unusual. There are numerous cases of iatrogenic (doctor-induced) deaths from chemotherapy.
I'd Actively Fight For My Life
On the other hand, the cancer patient who says, "no, thanks" to chemotherapy recommended by large cancer treatment centers, and takes off to Grand Bahamas Island to receive Immuno-Augmentative Therapy (IAT); or to Houston, Texas, to receive antineoplastons from Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski; or who heads to the public library to make a battle plan, has begun fighting and is acting courageously.
Whether I win or lose, that is the course I would take. What have I got to lose? Conventional treatment is toxic and simply doesn't work, so I would throw my lot with something safe that might work, and folks, a lot of approaches fit that description. I also believe patients who seek alternative therapies are more optimistic. They have only one worry - the cancer- not the cancer and the therapy!
And Now. Here's What I Would Do
(by Dr. Julian Whitaker)
I'd turn my back on 50 years of institutionalized expertise, because it follows the wrong paradigm. Everything that is done in medicine or in any other discipline fits some paradigm. The paradigm I use for cancer is that it is a systemic problem in which the normal control mechanisms of your body are altered. Your immune system likely bears the largest burden for this control; thus, all techniques that enhance it are promising. Those that damage it are not.
Also, cancer cells are different from normal cells in many ways, including their metabolic profile. At least one non-toxic therapy, hydrazine sulfate, takes advantage of this difference. It has been shown in double-blind trials published in respectable journals to significantly reduce the severe weight loss (cachexia) of advanced cancer, and markedly improve the patient's emotional state, almost to the point of euphoria. It is also inexpensive. Even though hydrazine sulfate has been shown to be effective and non-toxic, and it makes the patient feel better, it is ignored by every major cancer center. Yet I would take it immediately. (For more on hydrazine sulfate, see Ralph Moss' book, The Cancer Industry.)
First, I would Change My Diet
I would switch to a mostly vegetarian diet. I'd also take the Nutritional Supplements "Green foods," such as GREENS+ (800/643-1210) or Green Magma (from Healthy Directions; 800/722-8008, ext. 572). These supplements include the phyto-chemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals required for optimal health. I would enhance that basic program with the following:
Vitamin C - 10,000 mg per day in divided doses. Ewan Cameron, a Scottish physician, did a study in which 100 cancer patients were given 10,000 mg of vitamin C for the rest of their lives, while control patients were not. The patients on vitamin C lived much longer than the age-matched controls. The Mayo Clinic did two studies on vitamin C, and in both studies found that vitamin C did not help. However, both studies were set up in a manner that almost guaranteed failure. Frankly, I think that this was done intentionally to generate negative publicity for this non-toxic approach.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) - Used as an effective therapy in congestive heart failure, CoQ10 has only recently been studied as a cancer treatment. Cancer patients have been found to have deficiencies of CoQ10. Clinical trials in breast cancer have resulted in no further metastases, improved quality of life (no weight loss and less pain), and partial remission in six of 32 patients.
CoQ-10 is available for under $15.00 for sixty 60 mg. caps from Generic-co-op at 870-856-4152.
Finally, you should know that if I were battling cancer - or any serious disease, for that matter- I would be in a constant search for effective, non-toxic therapies. One place to begin that search is with Ralph Moss, Ph.D. He is probably the most knowledgeable writer in the world on alternative therapies for cancer, and has recently published a 530-page book, Cancer Therapy, The Independent Consumer's Guide to Nontoxic Treatment and Prevention. (Equinox Press, New York, NY, 1995). In addition, Dr. Moss offers a report service called Healing Choices, which ascertains, through a questionnaire, the type and severity of cancer, and suggests alternatives. This costs $250, and it is well worth it. If I had cancer, I would start here for more information. You can get more information by sending a large SASE to: The Cancer Chronicles,
Another source of information is People Against Cancer, which provides a comprehensive counseling service called the Alternative Therapy Program. It includes a review of your medical records by a network of doctors using alternative therapies. It also costs $250. People Against Cancer can be reached at 515/972-4444. Their Internet address is: http://www.dodgenet.com/nocancer.
This is certainly not my final say on cancer treatment, because it changes as new research is done. I want to say again that what I would do is not a recommendation for you. However, it is not a reasonable belief to think that conventional cancer experts offer the best approaches for most cancers. There is just too much evidence to the contrary. One of these days there may not be a need for ''alternative' approaches to cancer. Until then, look for the answers to the cancer riddle in the growing field of alternatives, because they are obviously not present in our armamentarium of conventional therapies.
A study, done at The University of San Francisco Medical School, and ignored by the media, followed 120 terminal cancer patients for ten years. They were divided into two groups:
Group A went the conventional chemo/radiation route
Group B either did nothing or sought alternative treatments.
Not surprisingly, the survival rate was much better in group B.