Ten Step Program for Controlling Candida
Be Informed: Read at least one book on Candida. (see suggested reading list). Seek a qualified practitioner who can direct your program but do not depend solely on his or her expertise – talk to others who have successfully overcome Candida.
Starve the yeast: Candida thrives on carbohydrates: drastically reduce all foods high in starch and sugars.
Avoid yeast products and fermented foods: Baker's and brewer's yeast, wine, vinegar (apple cider vinegar may be tolerated), tempeh, and tamari are potential trouble-makers.
Use non-toxic antifungals: Botanically derived antifungals are preferred because they do not add to the body's toxic load. Grapefruit Seed Extract's broad spectrum capabilities detoxify the system not only from Candida but also from other yeasts and bacteria which accompany Candida. Grapefruit Seed Extract is also effective with other herbal antifungals such as Pao D' arco, garlic, and goldenseal. (Consume antifungals between meals.)
Restore the beneficial bacteria: Probiotics, particularly Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus help reestablish the normal intestinal flora. This phase of the treatment will, in the long run, protect against reinfection. (Consume probiotics with meals.)
Support the beneficial bacteria: These helpful symbiots thrive in the presence of foods rich in fiber and chlorophyll. Fructo-oligo-saccharides (F.O.S.) is a type of
Sugar (found in the Jerusalem artichoke) which can dramatically increase the growth rate of beneficial bacteria, especially Bifidobacterium, an organism essential for a healthy digestive tract. F.O.S. cannot be metabolized by Candida, nor does it significantly raise the blood sugar.
Detoxify: Eliminate (or greatly reduce) coffee, alcohol, food with chemical additives, and drugs. Aloe vera,
Bentonite clay, and psyllium seeds can accelerate the detoxification process. Drink at least 6–8 glasses of non-chlorinated water daily.
Support the immune system: Reduce emotional and chemical stress. Supplement your diet with the proper vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (Vitamins A, E, C, lipoic acid, glutathione, selenium, pycnogenol, Coenzyme QIO, etc.) which are essential for reversing damage done to the immune system.
Be observant: Write down all of your symptoms before starting the program and grade them on a. scale of 1–10 according to how they affect you. Compare those observations to how you feel four, six, and eight weeks later. You will have good days and not-so-good days so when you feel poorly, instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle of understanding: Did you go off the diet? Were you in a smoke-filled room? Did you clean out a moldy basement? Women: note where you are in your menstrual cycle; record your observations – you will learn more about how your body works and why sometimes it does not.
Persist: A restoration of the internal environment does not happen overnight – this program takes time. It is a starting point, a general guide that can be adapted to your own needs. Once you feel an improvement, avoid the temptation to revert to former habits