I wasn't able to find out exactly what's in Sculpt and Cleanse, as the Health Direct page did not include a list of ingredients!!! Very bad form grrrr!
It is due to reactions like Hives that many of us prefer to create our own P&B shakes. That way we know exactly why we're having bad reactions. It's either taht we're allergic to psyllium (rare, but happens) or it's part of the cleansing process.
I can't tell which is your experience without knowing the ingredients. :(
Bowel cleansing will often bring on a healing crisis, and it depends on your body type what kind of crisis it brings on. Probiotics such as acidophilus will often bring on hives as the microbes readjust their "herds" as it were. If there are no probiotics in this product, then you might just be allergic to what's in it.
the typical healing crisis of a plain intestinal cleanser or
colonic is fatigue and headaches, sometimes cold and flu symptoms.