I just wanted to clear this up and explain to anyone lurking why this devestates Darwin:
First of all this shows that the environment can act on hormones...and it shows that hormones can play a role in regulating genes in targeted cells. This is a perfect example of a non-random adaptive phenotypic change triggered by the environment....and these changes in the phenotype (physical characteristics) are more like the throwing of a switch than a single random mutation -- such as darwinists require. This is why these fish were able to start re-growing eyes after 8 days -- because the information was already IN the genome. According to Toe, this should have taken millions of years -- as you can see on this link.
Also you will notice that there is no need for "natural selection," need for "random mutations," need for "sexual selection," need for "genetic accommodation," need for any of the nonsense that evolutionists try to confuse us with....and without these, they don't have a theory! ---- Yet, nothing else was involved here other than the animal, an environmental cue and an honest scientist.
Not only that but this is something that the Darwinists simply cannot explain...and the reason for this is everyone one of their mechanisms that supposedly adds information to the genome are RANDOM. Yet, there was NOTHING random about what happened in the link I gave. (And the little secret is neo-darwinists main mechanism for change (random mutations) has never been proven to add anything constructive at all....if you ever hear otherwise, ask for a link.)
Let me ask you corinthian (since you never answered me) you think this fish would have grown his eyes back if he was placed in a DARK CAVE? NO, of course not.....this was a non-random biological change forced by an abrupt environmental change. This is evolution seen first-hand. End of story. S