Very often, the question is asked about the fairness and justice of God…What happens to the billions of people who never had a chance to hear the gospel (such as all the people in deep Africa, and all the infants, etc.?). It is thought by many that there is an AGE of accountability instead of a STATE of accountability. What about a 20 year old member of a secluded tribe in a jungle of South America,…what about 50 0r 60? Adam and Eve did not eat of the tree of good and evil, they ate of the tree of conscience, and we (his offspring) inherited the ability to develop a conscience and understand the difference between right and wrong as we grow up (I don’t believe that we inherited the accountability for what Adam and Eve did, we are accountable for what WE do, they did not commit ‘ORIGINAL’ sin, they committed ‘INITIAL’ sin,…the word ‘ORIGINAL’ was thrust upon humanity by the god of confusion to suggest that God has afflicted humanity). But if someone in that tribe never had the chance to even meet more than 40 people in their whole life let alone hear the gospel, it is not likely that they would be held accountable to what they had no ability to know, or are we to think that God would be unjust and hold them accountable for what they never knew? Likewise, if people who lived on a farm all of their lives never heard anything other than what they understood as insincere, hypocritical, self-righteous propaganda about a nice, cute and lovely holy social ‘club’ that didn’t have any appeal to their sense of genuine devotion to the REAL origin of all creation, then, would God exclude them from receiving ANY part of what He has achieved for us? Is God going to condemn the unfortunate and forfeit them to satan’s grasp, or is condemnation only for those who have HEARD and REJECTED.
If someone has not REJECTED or ever had the chance to develop an understanding of right and wrong, will their lot be the same as those who commit the unpardonable sin?
I don’t pretend to have all of the answers about anything, but let me throw some ideas out and see if they make sense to anyone. I think that the teachings of traditional mainstream Christianity are mistaken about God’s character and leave us stuck in the “elementary doctrine of Christ” (Hebrews 6:1 “Therefore, let us LEAVE the elementary doctrine of Christ and move on to maturity”) because we learn to FEAR (1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love…”) God and promote a misunderstanding of what God is… (“God is LOVE”), after all is said and done, that is the one misunderstanding about God that a Christian should not have. (I wouldn’t say that this misunderstanding prevents genuine salvation, but should be considered a handicap to genuine and complete growth in Godly behavior, GODLINESS). We are taught that there are 4 types (versions) of love (philos, agape, eros, etc.). How can we understand what God is if we misunderstand what He is? Are their also 4 types of God? There are 4 types of love RELATIONSHIPS, but “God is ONE” Galatians 3:20. God is integral (singular), there are three dispensations of His love for us.
1) The Father (creation).
2) The Son (salvation)
3) Holy Spirit (teaches growth in Godliness)
To say that they are three separate spirits is an incomplete understanding.
I don’t have all the answers, I leave it all in God’s hands, but I consider the unpardonable sin to be the REJECTION (after hearing His TRUTH) of God.
Very often, the question is asked about the fairness and justice of God…What happens to the billions of people who never had a chance to hear the gospel (such as all the people in deep Africa, and all the infants, etc.?.). It is thought by many that there is an AGE of accountability instead of a STATE of accountability. What about a 20 year old member of a secluded tribe in a jungle of South America,…what about 50 0r 60? Adam and Eve did not eat of the tree of good and evil, they ate of the tree of conscience, and we (his offspring) inherited the ability to develop a conscience and understand the difference between right and wrong as we grow up (I don’t believe that we inherited accountability for what Adam and Eve did, we are accountable for what WE do, they did not commit ‘ORIGINAL’ sin, they committed ‘INITIAL’ sin,…the word ‘ORIGINAL’ was thrust upon humanity by the god of confusion to suggest that God has afflicted humanity). But if someone in that tribe never had the chance to even meet more than 40 people in their whole life let alone hear the gospel, it is not likely that they would be held accountable to what they had no ability to know, or are we to think that God would be unjust and hold accountable? Likewise, if people who lived on a farm all of their lives never heard anything other than what they understood as insincere, hypocritical, self-righteous propaganda about a nice, cute and lovely holy social ‘club’ that didn’t have any appeal to their sense of genuine devotion to the REAL origin of all creation, then, would God exclude them from receiving ANY part of what He has achieved for us? Is God going to condemn the unfortunate and forfeit them to satan’s grasp, or is condemnation only for those who have HEARD and REJECTED.
If someone has not REJECTED or ever had the chance to develop an understanding of right and wrong, will their lot be the same as those who commit the unpardonable sin?
I don’t pretend to have all of the answers about anything, but let me throw some ideas out and see if they make sense to anyone. I think that the teachings of traditional mainstream Christianity are mistaken about God’s character and leave us stuck in the “elementary doctrine of Christ” (Hebrews 6:1 “Therefore, let us LEAVE the elementary doctrine of Christ and move on to maturity”) because we learn to FEAR (1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love…”) God and promote a misunderstanding of what God is… (“God is LOVE”), after all is said and done, that is the one misunderstanding about God that a Christian should not have. (I wouldn’t say that this misunderstanding prevents genuine salvation, but should be considered a handicap to genuine and complete growth in Godly behavior, GODLINESS). We are taught that there are 4 types (versions) of love (philos, agape, eros, etc.). How can we understand what God is if we misunderstand what He is? Are their also 4 types of God? There are 4 types of love RELATIONSHIPS, but “God is ONE” Galatians 3:20.
I don’t have all the answers, I leave it all in God’s hands, but I consider the unpardonable sin to be the REJECTION (after hearing His TRUTH) of God