I'd like to be able to fully answer your question but I don't have the book I need with me. You are correct to watch your magnesium when doing infrared saunas. It would not be safe to do a daily sauna program and not be trained on "what to drink before" the sauna.
What you have to take before and after the sauna depends how frequently you do the sauna and for how long. Dr. Sherry A. Rogers goes over excellent protocols (although you need to read them over about 5 times and make your own plan)in her two books "Pain Free in Six Weeks" and "Detoxify or Die." She covers a lot of territory and you need to sort out what applies to you and she does go over the magnesium issue. I know Dr. Rogers recommends some very specific forms of TriSalts. You must drink lots and lots of water before and during the sauna. Which means you will be sweating out lots and lots of salt and minerals. If you plan to work up to a full hour of sauna a day you need to be fully appraised of how to do it safely. Dr. Rogers is the only person I know who has spelled out an intense program including if something "goes wrong" (increased heart rate, dizziness, etc.)
As far as the magnesium issue goes she "gets serious" on the subject. She explains the correct test a person can get to determine exactly how magnesium deficient they may be and the consequences of having your magnesium too low. She says the most common test given (I think it is the serum magnesium test) is inadequate and can read normal when you are really magnesiu deficient.
I would get one of these books and turn to the section where she spells out the protocol and work out on a piece of paper what you want to apply. I plan to make little posters with reminders so when I'm "in there sweating" I can check whether I have done everything and how I'm doing physically. Dr. Rogers goes all out to instruct people through a good
FIR (Far-Infrared-Sauna) sauna program.
Good luck with it,