Hi MK:
Hang in there, you can make it! Do whatever you have to do to make yourself feel better, but try to find a solution other than quitting the fast. You may really surprise yourself.
Here's how I'm approaching sister recently (unexpectedly)had twins to go along with her 6 & 9 year olds. The babies have some digestive issues and were overfeeding. They constantly are wanting to be fed to comfort themselves. When each one of them cries (which is often), she goes through a list of "remedies" to try to comfort them, without feeding them. She checks their diapers, burps them, gives them water, holds them, etc. You get my point.
Anyway, what I'm suggesting is that you try some other things to make yourself feel better before throwing in the towel. You've had some really good suggestions. I know that, for myself, this fast is more about finding new ways to comfort myself instead of using food as my "cure-all".
hang in there!